
Cannibal woman

Influenced by her Phd research on Cannibalism in Contemporary Art, Renata Andrade revisits the colonial past in this performance and highlights the exotic imaginaries integrated by contemporary society. She uses what she defines as the cannibalistic myth to reveal its colonial character.
Commonly associated with the primitive, the exotic and the erotic, the accusation of cannibalism greatly contributed to the justification of colonization. By associating current stereotypes of Brazil with human zoos pictures from the 19th century, Renata Andrade shows the persistence of colonial domination. In this work, she de-exoticizes her own body, often associated with the beach, the samba and the favela, and shows the break between reality and European imaginations.
The posters inspired by human zoos invite you to observe a cannibalistic woman, a pictorial mixture between the cannibal Brazilian Indian women imagined by De Bry at the end of the 16th century and the contemporary sambistas, objectified during the carnival parades. This hybrid character, like the cannibalistic myth, fascinates and frightens. The performance, in which the artist wears a decorated wooden panel, ironically shows that this pejorative image is only a facade.


As part of # WELL18 at the Louvre-Lens, the artist decided to question the tacit commodification of the female body. To do this, she designed the performance "Love Bites". Dressed in a dress made from 394 candies sculpted in the shape of a vulva, the artist put these pieces of love up for sale. The price ? One piece of the other. A piece of oneself in exchange for one end of the other. Body against body.


Pour cette œuvre d'art vivante et collaborative, l'artiste Renata Andrade, qui réalise notamment des sculptures en argile, propose au public de venir construire et déconstruire une œuvre avec elle. Chacun est libre de venir imprimer sa marque dans un bloc d'argile et d'y exprimer ce qu'il souhaite, en collaboration avec l'artiste. Une communication à travers la matière qui pousse aussi à s'interroger sur la place du langage corporel et de la communication non verbale dans nos sociétés. « C'est une manière pour moi de partager mon expérience de sculptrice, le plaisir de modeler l'argile, poursuit Renata Andrade, et de recevoir en échange l'expérience, le contact, l'émotion du public. »


Neste performance, a escultora - Renata Andrade - apresenta um envolvimento incrivelmente intimo com a material de trabalho e o seu tema recorrente. Não sabemos mais o que é artista, argile ou arvore. Tudo acontece de forma orgânica e com fluência. Onde existiam três elementos se torna um totalmente unificado.


Realização: Núcleo Seiva


Partindo das séries "Mulher  Árvore" o tema se desdobrou, e em conjunto com o fotografo Andrex Almeida, surge uma nova plasticidade e um novo tema,“Seiva”: que nas plantas é o equivalente ao sangue dos animais, é o líquido que circula por toda o vegetal para alimentar as suas células.  Com esse conceito e com a produção em conjunto com outros artistas se cria a performance e um novo núcleo, "Núcleo Seiva",  onde há constante circulação de artistas, que são alimentados e são alimentos criativos de acordo com as afinidades de idéias e plasticidades.